The future of biotechnology lies in our nation’s students.
It’s time we prepare them for what’s ahead.
The American Biotechnology Association, Inc. connects students, teachers, external stakeholders, STEM professionals, academia, industry and non-profit organizations to advance the field. We prepare students to become the innovators of the future.

We value access to education and sustainable supports to empower communities through mastery of biotechnology skills sets.
Our Mission
American Biotechnology Association, Inc. supports the exposure, career development, and continuing education for underrepresented minority (URM) students in biotechnology. Our purpose is to create experiences that facilitate diverse career pathways for students in Biotech.

Our Vision
ABA, Inc. envisions an educational structure designed around instruction, work-based learning and professional development to deliver biotechnology related experiences for students grades K-12. ABA, Inc. prepares students for emerging and evolving workplaces—emphasizing research, leadership, laboratory skills, scientific writing and teamwork.
Our Work
ABA’s primary objective is to create access to biotechnology education, creating a sustainable and diverse workforce in a rapidly expanding environment.
We design and implement exposure opportunities which teach critical skill sets necessary for a career in biotechnology.
Our 6-week Summer Biotech Bootcamp features an inquiry-based curriculum for a high school biotechnology immersion summer program serving underrepresented minorities (URMs) in STEM by creating a high quality, structured technical employability skills educational training necessary to secure employment in today's biotechnology workforce.
Our members each represent integral contributors to the empowerment of communities through an education and formal training in biotechnology.
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